Basic page: pages primarily used for content. These will represent nearly all of the pages on your website.
Canonical URL: the official URL of the page. This is an important idea for SEO. (Google: Canonical)
Content manager: designated employees and subject matter experts who will add content and manage the Drupal website.
Drupal: Baylor’s new content management system
Hero image or section: large image or photo at the top of a page. This is used to provide visual interest.
Homepage narrative: wireframe of content on the homepage and other key landing pages in your website.
Landing page: visually engaging page with sections for photos and other targeted content
Message centers: a flexible tool used to display high-priority content and features slides that scroll horizontally.
Navigation or menu: tools that provide websites visitors links to pages on the site.
Section or band: horizontal section of content used on a landing page.
SEO: search engine optimization
Site map: an outline of content that represents pages for your site (sample site map).
Status report: weekly emails sent to the implementation team, project executives, and stakeholders.
Taxonomy: Drupal's term for describing categories, tags, and other metadata that may be associated with web content. Each of these is referred to as a vocabulary, and your Drupal website will likely have several vocabularies, depending on the needs of your site.
Touts: a tool used to promote specific content on a website. Tout styles include cards, boxes, icons, and profiles.