Web Consultants
The Digital Marketing Development team helps Baylor departments and units create beautiful and effective websites. Leveraging Baylor's strong brand, our consultants, content managers, designers, and developers have a wide range of skills to build mobile-friendly and accessible digital solutions.
Starting by understanding your area's goals and objectives, our team will walk you through the process of creating and maintaining a website within Baylor's web ecosystem.
Below you will find information about which consultant is assigned to work with your department. If your department is not listed, please email Andrew Maddox.
Group Sort descending | Web Consultant | Website |
About Baylor | Andrew Maddox | About Baylor |
Academic Calendar Committee | Andrew Maddox | Academic Calendar Committee |
Academy for Teaching and Learning | Madeleine Herritage | Academy for Teaching and Learning |
Accelerate | Susan Evans | Accelerate |
Air Force & Space Force ROTC | Madeleine Herritage | Air Force & Space Force ROTC |
Air Science | Madeleine Herritage | Air Science |
Alumni-Elected Regents | Andrew Maddox | Alumni-Elected Regents |
Anthropology | Madeleine Herritage | Anthropology |
Aquatic Ecology Lab | Madeleine Herritage | Aquatic Ecology Lab |
Army ROTC | Madeleine Herritage | Army ROTC |
Art & Art History | Madeleine Herritage | Art & Art History |
Arts & Sciences Core Curriculum | Susan Evans | Arts & Sciences Core Curriculum |
Athletic Camps | Madeleine Herritage | Volleyball Camp, Tennis Camp, Soccer Camp |
Baylor & Beyond LLC | Madeleine Herritage | Baylor & Beyond LLC |
Baylor Alumni | Susan Evans | Baylor Alumni |
Baylor Bear Habitat | Michael Bell | Baylor Bear Habitat |
Baylor Collaborative on Hunger and Poverty | Michael Bell | Baylor Collaborative on Hunger and Poverty, Add Milk |
Baylor Connections | Lance Grigsby | Baylor Connections |
Baylor in Washington | Lance Grigsby | Baylor in Washington |
Baylor Initiative in Christianity and the Arts | Susan Evans | Baylor Initiative in Christianity and the Arts |
Baylor Magazine | Susan Evans | Baylor Magazine |
Baylor Parents | Susan Evans | Baylor Parents |
Baylor Round Table | Susan Evans | Baylor Round Table |
Baylor Sciences Building (BSB) | Susan Evans | Baylor Sciences Building |
Beall Poetry Festival | Susan Evans | Beall Poetry Festival |
Beall-Russell Lectures in the Humanities | Susan Evans | Beall-Russell Lectures in the Humanities |
Beauchamp Addiction Recovery Center | Michael Bell | Beauchamp Addiction Recovery Center |
Biology | Madeleine Herritage | Biology |
Board of Regents | Andrew Maddox | Board of Regents |
BRIGHTS Center | Michael Bell | BRIGHTS Center |
Brooks Residential College | Madeleine Herritage | Brooks Residential College |
Budget | Madeleine Herritage | Budget |
Business & Innovation LLC | Madeleine Herritage | Business & Innovation LLC |
Calendar | Andrew Maddox | Calendar |
Campus Living & Learning | Madeleine Herritage | Campus Living & Learning |
Campus Recreation | Susan Evans | Campus Recreation |
Campus Services | Susan Evans | Campus Services |
Canvas | Lance Grigsby | Canvas |
Career Center | Susan Evans | Career Center |
Center for Academic Success and Engagement | Susan Evans | Center for Academic Success and Engagement, First in Line, New Student Experience, Pre-Law, Transfer Student Success, Veteran Educational and Transitional Services |
Chemistry & Biochemistry | Madeleine Herritage | Chemistry & Biochemistry |
Cherry Award | Lance Grigsby | Cherry Award |
Classics | Susan Evans | Classics, Principia: A Journal of Classical Education |
College of Arts & Sciences | Susan Evans | College of Arts & Sciences, Arts & Sciences Magazine |
College of Arts & Sciences Advisement | Susan Evans | College of Arts & Sciences Advisement |
Collegiate Licensing | Andrew Maddox | Collegiate Licensing |
Communication | Susan Evans | Communication |
Copyright | Lance Grigsby | Copyright |
CRASR | Madeleine Herritage | CRASR |
Creative Arts Experience | Susan Evans | Creative Arts Experience |
Department of History | Michael Bell | Department of History |
Department of Public Safety | Lance Grigsby | Department of Public Safety |
Diana R. Garland School of Social Work (all) | Michael Bell | Diana R. Garland School of Social Work |
Digital Humanities | Susan Evans | Digital Humanities |
Disclosures | Andrew Maddox | Disclosures |
Diversity & Inclusion | Andrew Maddox | Diversity & Inclusion |
Engineering and Computer Science | Madeleine Herritage | Engineering and Computer Science |
English | Lance Grigsby | English |
Environmental Health & Safety | Susan Evans | Environmental Health & Safety |
Environmental Humanities | Susan Evans | Environmental Humanities |
Equity, Civil Rights, and Title IX | Lance Grigsby | Civil Rights, Equity, Civil Rights, and Title IX, Sexual and Interpersonal Misconduct / Title IX |
Export Compliance | Michael Bell | Export Compliance |
External Affairs & Events | Madeleine Herritage | Commencement, Institutional Events, Family Weekend, Homecoming, Christmas, External Affairs |
Facilities Management | Susan Evans | Facilities Management |
Faculty Senate | Susan Evans | Faculty Senate |
Film & Digital Media | Susan Evans | Film & Digital Media |
Fulbright | Susan Evans | Fulbright |
Gateways | Andrew Maddox | Faculty & Staff, Students |
Geosciences | Susan Evans | Geosciences |
Global Engagement | Lance Grigsby | Global Engagement |
Graduate and Professional Education | Lance Grigsby | Graduate and Professional Education |
Graduate School (all) | Lance Grigsby | Graduate School |
Hankamer School of Business (all) | Lance Grigsby | Hankamer School of Business, Keller Center for Research |
Home Page | Andrew Maddox | Home Page |
Honors College (all) | Susan Evans | Honors College, Baylor Interdisciplinary Core, Great Texts, Honors Program, Honors Residential College |
Human Resources (HR) | Madeleine Herritage | Human Resources (HR), Ignite, Organizational Chart, Wellbeing, United Way, Student Employment |
Humanities Research Fellows | Susan Evans | Humanities Research Fellows |
Illuminate Forward | Andrew Maddox | Illuminate Forward |
Information Technology Services (ITS) | Susan Evans | ITS, Helpdesk+ |
Institute for Faith and Learning | Lance Grigsby | Institute for Faith and Learning , IFL Soundings Project |
Institutional Effectiveness | Susan Evans | Institutional Effectiveness |
Institutional Research | Susan Evans | Institutional Research |
Internal Audit | Andrew Maddox | Internal Audit |
Journalism | Susan Evans | Journalism, American Studies |
Law School (all) | Lance Grigsby | Law School |
Leadership, Education, and Development Living-Learning Community (Lead LLC) | Madeleine Herritage | Leadership, Education, and Development Living-Learning Community (Lead LLC) |
Louise Herrington School of Nursing (all) | Lance Grigsby | Louise Herrington School of Nursing |
Marketing & Communications (all) | Lance Grigsby | Marketing & Communications, Brand Guide, Waco, Social Media, Mark & Paula Hurd Welcome Center, Baylor News |
Martin Museum of Art | Madeleine Herritage | Martin Museum of Art |
Mathematics | Madeleine Herritage | Mathematics |
Mayborn Museum | Michael Bell | Mayborn Museum |
Media & Public Relations | Andrew Maddox | Media and Public Relations |
Medical Humanities | Lance Grigsby | Medical Humanities |
Military Studies | Madeleine Herritage | Military Studies |
Mind-Body Medicine Research Lab | Michael Bell | Mind-Body Medicine Research Lab |
Modern Languages and Cultures (MLC) | Michael Bell | Modern Languages and Cultures (MLC), Interactive Media & Language Center |
Modernizing Water and Wastewater Treatment through Data Science Education and Research | Madeleine Herritage | Modernizing Water and Wastewater Treatment through Data Science Education and R… |
Multicultural Affairs | Michael Bell | Multicultural Affairs |
Museum Studies | Michael Bell | Museum Studies |
New Student Programs | Susan Evans | Your Baylor Welcome Experience, New Student Programs |
Office of Engaged Learning | Susan Evans | Office of Engaged Learning, Baylor Undergraduate Research in Science & Technology |
Office of General Counsel | Andrew Maddox | Office of General Counsel |
Office of Investments | Madeleine Herritage | Office of Investments |
Office of the President | Andrew Maddox | Office of the President |
Office of the Provost | Susan Evans | Office of the Provost, COACHE Survey, Faculty Ombudsperson, Faculty Diversity & Belonging, University Committees |
Office of the Registrar | Madeleine Herritage | Office of the Registrar |
Ombuds to Staff | Susan Evans | Ombuds to Staff |
Outdoor Adventure Living-Learning Community | Susan Evans | Outdoor Adventure Living-Learning Community |
Paul L. Foster Success Center | Susan Evans | Paul L. Foster Success Center, Center for Academic Success and Engagement, Office of Access and Learning Accommodation, Major Exploration & Success Advising |
Payroll Services | Madeleine Herritage | Payroll Services |
PCI Compliance | Andrew Maddox | PCI Compliance |
Phi Beta Kappa | Susan Evans | Phi Beta Kappa |
Philosophy | Michael Bell | Philosophy |
Physics | Madeleine Herritage | Physics |
Political Science | Madeleine Herritage | Political Science |
Prehealth | Susan Evans | Prehealth |
Procurement and Payment Services | Madeleine Herritage | Procurement and Payment Services |
Pruit Memorial Symposium | Lance Grigsby | Pruit Memorial Symposium |
Psychology and Neuroscience | Michael Bell | Psychology and Neuroscience |
Real Estate Operations | Susan Evans | Real Estate Operations |
Religion | Susan Evans | Religion, J.M. Dawson Institute of Church-State Studies, Baylor Initiative in Christianity and the Arts |
Report It | Andrew Maddox | Report It |
Research | Michael Bell | Research at Baylor, Office of the Vice Provost for Research, Baylor Research and Innovation Collaborative (BRIC) |
Robbins College of Health & Human Sciences (all) | Lance Grigsby | Robbins College of Health & Human Sciences, Piper Center for Family Studies and Child Development |
School of Education (all) | Susan Evans | School of Education, Baylor Center for Developmental Disabilities, Baylor Center for School Leadership, Baylor School Psychology Programs, Behavior Analysis Research (BeAR) Lab, Center for Gifted Education and Talent Development, Curriculum & Instruction, EdD in Learning and Organizational Change | Online, Educational Leadership, Educational Psychology, Impact, MA in School Leadership |
School of Music (all) | Lance Grigsby | School of Music, Dunn Center for Christian Music Studies, Alleluia Conference, Golden Wave Band |
Science and Health Living-Learning Community | Madeleine Herritage | Science and Health Living-Learning Community |
Sociology | Michael Bell | Sociology, Center for Community Research and Development |
Spiritual Life | Madeleine Herritage | Spiritual Life, Missions & Public Life, Religious Affairs |
Staff Council | Susan Evans | Staff Council |
Statistical Science | Madeleine Herritage | Statistical Science |
Strategic Planning Process | Andrew Maddox | Strategic Planning Process |
Student Conduct Administration | Susan Evans | Judicial Affairs, Student Conduct Administration, Office of Academic Integrity, Student Policies & Procedures |
Student Health & Wellness | Susan Evans | Student Health & Wellness, Student Care & Well-being, Campus Recreation, Counseling Center, Health Services, Student Care & Well-being |
Student Life | Michael Bell | Student Life, Student Gameday, Student Foundation, Student Government, Student Activities, Chamber of Commerce, Christmas on Fifth Street, Diadeloso |
Student Media | Susan Evans | Student Media |
Student Opportunity & Achievement Resources | Susan Evans | Student Opportunity & Achievement Resources, McNair Scholars Program |
Student Testing Services | Susan Evans | Student Testing Services |
Summer of Discovery | Susan Evans | Summer of Discovery |
Teal Residential College | Madeleine Herritage | Teal Residential College |
Texas Oral History Association | Lance Grigsby | Texas Oral History Association |
The Baptist and Christian Character of Baylor | Susan Evans | The Baptist and Christian Character of Baylor |
The Roundup Yearbook | Susan Evans | The Roundup Yearbook |
Theatre Arts | Madeleine Herritage | Theatre Arts |
Truett Seminary (all) | Lance Grigsby | Truett Seminary, The Cord |
Undergraduate Admissions | Susan Evans | Undergraduate Admissions, One Stop Student Financial Services, Accelerate |
University Advancement | Susan Evans | University Advancement, Giving to Baylor, Give Light, Retired Professors and Administrators Program, Alumni, Foundation Relations |
University Compliance and Risk Services | Lance Grigsby | University Compliance and Risk Services |
University Libraries (all) | Lance Grigsby | University Libraries |
University Writing Center | Lance Grigsby | University Writing Center |
Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education | Susan Evans | Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education |
Virtues of the Unified Core Curriculum | Susan Evans | Unified Core Curriculum |